

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Winning Hearts

Alex arrived on Tuesday, and the two, upon seeing each other, well....need I mention again the incredible connection they have?

The speed with which Kyle is moving is beyond words.  His emerging personality with his therapists is so much fun to watch and his ability to make us laugh wins everyone's heart.

Where there's a will there's a way, and Kyle's ingenuity impresses us all.  I  am reminded of a conversation with two of his friends, sisters, who sat with me in ICU and told me story upon story of his creativity in Science class, and of his being at the top of the class in problem solving. He has undeniably shown us that side of himself.  What do you do if you can only lift your arm high enough to get the cup to your mouth, but not tip it?  You use your teeth of  course! 

We also heard our first laugh! A big thank you to his Tech Rodney, for being so cool and knowing just what Kyle needs.  He reads him well.  Must be a guy thing.  All I know is he was able to get our first audible laugh from Kyle.

We are missing our dear, sweet Speech Therapist, Cheryl and wishing she were here to see all Kyle's weekly goals being blown out of the water.  But while she is away we are thrilled to have Emma and Diana in her place.

Diana helps Kyle to speak with some simple words on her tablet.

Kyle is progressing with weight bearing exercises for his legs.  The 14 inch rod in his thigh seems to pose no problem.  It looks like there's some joking going on here.  I can't always hear what's being said, as I try to stay in the background and let Alex and the therapists work their wonders.

Kyle's shoulder muscles are not strong enough to raise his right arm.  Jasmine gets him to high five to help work those muscles.

Greg arrived tonight and Alex and I had saved a big surprise for him.  Tomorrow's post will have much more exciting news.  But I'm guessing everyone's already expecting nothing less!


  1. Wow! Wow! WOW !! Amaaazing progress. Can't wait to hear the next episode :-)

  2. Amazing!!! Keep up the amazing work!��
