

Friday, August 21, 2015

A Tad Late, but..."Welcome Home Kyle, 2014"

It's that time of year when we have to let go, to let our children become those independent human beings we spent the last 17 years working on.   I love seeing all the shared FB posts of Kyle's classmates as they head off to college, especially those he's known since kindergarten. They put a smile on my face.   But I also empathize with those first time parents who are wearing their hearts on their sleeves right now.  It's not Kyle's time quite yet, so I will enjoy everyone else's heartfelt thoughts and sentimental photography.  I am thrilled and happy to see everyone's accomplishments, but just remember, the sadness that we also feel is real.

....and that's ok.

Into Every Life, A Little Rain Must Fall....

The dreary morning that it was today was no help for me when fear, worry, and anxiety have become unwanted companions again.  I know it won't last.  But these bed fellows are here at this moment, at this time.  Kyle will be heading off soon and Greg, Alex and I worry for his short term memory loss, as does Kyle.  He still continues to make enormous strides.  And there is still so much more room for him to heal.  If you were to sit in front of a plant and watch it grow, day after day,  you wouldn't see it grow, but you would know.   So, as the quote says, somedays really are just putting one foot in front of the other.

Let The Sunshine In....

So here now are not college send-off pictures of Kyle, not just yet.  Here now are pictures that lifted my spirits today.  These photos of Kyle's "homecoming" may have been taken way back in October, but the images are always with me in the present.