

Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Special Place in my Heart

It was a beautiful day the Saturday of the accident.  Kyle was hanging around the house waiting for his friend Chris to come over.  We enjoyed some time together.   When he was just sitting in his room, I took that opportunity to sit on his bed and discuss "life" things, in particular why parents say and do what they do when it comes to their kids.

I remember telling him what a good Dad he had, and how much he does for him.  I remember telling him we do the things we do because we were once his age.  We talked about why parents can be so annoying, because we are always looking out for our kids.  We do what we do, albeit differently, because we care. 

I love Kyle, as do Greg and Alex.  But Kyle marches to the beat of a different drum.  I remember telling him once (just once) I didn't like him.  It was an in the moment "didn't like"  because he was being so mean to me.  In the past, in the heat of the moment, he has said he hated me (or Greg).  I've read many a parenting book or magazine over the years to realize that that's just how some kids lash out.  For some personalities, I think it means you are doing your job. But it cuts to the core.  Do I feel bad that I once told him I didn't like him? Yes.  Do I wonder about if he really meant it that he hated me?  A lot.

Of course, Kyle and I have had many wonderful moments too.  That particular afternoon, he was on the trampoline, and Leo was going crazy wanting to get on.  I ran and got my camera, as I love to do, and caught the cutest  moments of Leo and Kyle.  I was actually editing them that evening when his two friends came in to tell me about the accident.

                              These pictures will forever hold a special place in my heart.


  1. I used to tell my dad I hated him all the time because I was angry and didn't know how to express that in a more adult way. I never hated my dad and I'm positive Kyle doesn't have a hateful bone in his body. Teens are just angry and can't channel it properly sometimes.

    Kyle loves you all :)

    Your prose is lovely by the way.

    1. Thank you so much, Alex. ♥ Those thoughts are greatly appreciated, as are everybody's.

    2. I very much agree with Alex. Ive told my parents when I was a teen that I hated them but in no way could that ever possibly be true. We all know how close I am to my parents. It is definitely just a lashing out teen thing. Kyle loves you guys :)

  2. No Joan. You didn't mean to say you didn't like him.....you just didn't like his behaviour. Nothing wrong with that. Just didn't come out right in the heat of the moment just like his hate

  3. Joan, words are just that..words, I believe Kyle truly feels your love and realizes the meaning and feeling behind those words are that of caring & being a parent. I can truly say that you have always been so positive in our conversations about Kyle and truthful. You are an amazing mom and I am looking forward to seeing Kyle's smiling face just like in those pictures you have so kindly shared with us. Much love and prayers be with you all.
