

Saturday, August 9, 2014


It's been four or five days since I wrote something.  They weren't kidding when they said there would be highs and lows.  I thought they meant each day, not each hour.   

I am having lots of trouble writing, because Kyle's behavior is draining.  By evening I am so tired I just don't want to think.   So I thought I'd try writing this morning while he is at breakfast, and first start by getting some therapy photos up.  That does not take a lot of thinking.

These should brighten everyone's day :)

Here is a good example of Kyle's disposition.  Sometime it does make us laugh!  Got to have a good sense of humor!

 Keep in mind that Kyle has two people helping him to walk.  He is still far from walking on his own. And because he does not want to talk and gets aggravated easily, this gets in the way of his progress.  More on that later.

Here is a short example (and this one is mild) of Kyle's behavior.

Time to go check on Kyle at breakfast. 
I will post company photos as soon as I can!
Have a good day!


  1. Can't see the Kyle's behaviour one. Did you have second thoughts about publishing? LOL

    1. It's a video, Carolyn. I can see it fine, but I wonder why you can't. I wonder if anyone else is having this problem. I will check.

    2. I'll try PC. I am currently on IPad :-)

    3. OK Joan. It's an IPad thing. Could see it on the PC. He's being a brat. It was pretty clear what he was saying (with his mouth shut - he was saying I can't) but why has he stopped talking has to be the first question. I could hear the therapist getting sterner with him (telling she didn't speak that language) and expect as time goes on they will get tougher. Does Kyle fully comprehend his circumstances? Sometimes from what you say it seems he's right there but then sometimes his behaviour, as you have said, can be quite juvenile.
      I think you need to take a break. Go home so you and Greg can have some of your own quality time. Kyle is in good hands, he will easily survive a week without you. YOU have a life to live too and placing your own life on permanent hold won't be good for any of you. Take time off My Friend, It's perfectly OK to do so. Luv Carolyn XXOO
