

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Last Of The Therapies At Shepherd Center

I am sitting here on the sofa in our apartment and I'm feeling quite good.   8:00 PM and Kyle and Greg are asleep (ha, such lightweights) and I'm reflecting on a pretty good first day at Pathways.

In comparison to Kyle's life here, mine here is trivial, but here are some thoughts on the simpler things that can be taken for granted.

I have a closet!  And a dresser!  Three months of living out of a suitcase is in the past!  I sleep in a real bed! No more pull out chair.  I have my own refrigerator, instead of a shared family one, and I can make Hazelnut coffee.  I can cook my own fresh vegetables to my liking, instead of avoiding the overcooked mushy ones from the cafeteria.  And my acne is clearing up!  I do try to get to the gym to relieve stress, but it's just not the same as a good hot sweaty run to clean out one's toxins.  And getting a good night's sleep, well that's the cat's meow....and not having to take my clothes and toiletries out of the bathroom every morning.

And the grand slam is, knowing my own son better than anyone else, and using THAT to my advantage.  He is polite, and agreeable, and does what he is asked.  That does not mean it is perfect here, we have our challenges.  But I will leave that to another day. For now I will share our last therapies at Shepherd Center, and tomorrow I'll share our memorable goodbyes.

Isometric exercises with Brian in OT Therapy

Working the right shoulder with the broken scapula.

Cheryl helping Kyle to follow a recipe.

Jasmine helping Kyle to cook breakfast.

Of course, someone had to make a joke about the sausage!

Final outcome will be biscuits, sausage, and gravy for all.

Kyle's substitute PT, Mackenzie, is encouraging Kyle to push her in order for him to strengthen his trunk. I get the sense he is liking that idea!

Kyle smiles as he takes up the challenge.

More trunk strengthening and stretching.


  1. Does Kyle still have OT and PT there while living in the apartment?
    Sounds like you're living in Nirvana now Joanie! :-)

  2. Love all the smiles from Kyle! Good luck on the next phase of his recovery. I can only imagine how nice all those 'little' thinks must be and how much better you must feel as a result!

  3. I think Kyle now looks like he has a "handle" on what's going on :-) I think you are going to see some more huge progress now. His whole attitude looks different. Like he knows what he has to do to be the best he can. I think he has come so far that he now understands it is hard work but that's what's needed. Go Kyle !! You're young and determined and it will be tough, but you can do it!! Meanwhile Joan, you enjoy YOUR time you will have too. How long will this stage be? Any idea?
    Love to you all: Joan, Greg, Alex and Kyle
