

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Kyle's High Adventure

What a whirlwind.

So much going on
Can't seem to keep up with the writing.

We're on our LearJet now.  Quite small, like a little cocoon.
Only four seats, one for me, one for Greg, and one for each of the two medics.
And just enough room left for Kyle to stretch out ;)
No flight attendants though for our beverage service.
I really thought it would be like the way they fly on Criminal Minds.
Not quite.

Greg is sitting towards front and is enjoying talking aircraft lingo with our medics.
He is in his element.  I chose the back seat of our little cocoon , so Kyle is facing me.

One and a half hours of reflecting time.

Kyle's got a window seat, (well, actually, we all have window seats since there are only
six windows on either side!).  He is gazing out the window like I've seen him do so many
times since he was little.  Greg's career with the airlines gave us so many opportunities to
travel.  There is nothing better than seeing the world.  Our boys are fortunate.

Growing up he had so many toy airplanes, UAL model planes, books about planes.  He
even had the chance to fly in a small acrobatic plane with our dentist, Jim Jelinek, doing spins, dives, up side downs. What a thrill!

Greg has his pilots license and always talked about giving Kyle flying lessons.  Being a typical mom, I was never too excited about this.

Statistics show though, that you are safer in an airplane than in a car.  I guess Kyle had to show me that was true.  ("maybe not the best way to do it though, Kyle ")

So Kyle gets to add flying in a Lear Jet to his list of high adventures.  Yay for Kyle :)

Too bad he won't remember it  :(

"I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake.  The great affair is to move."
Robert Louis Stevenson

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the world with your eyes turned skyways, for there you have been and there you will long to return."
Leonardo da Vinci

  "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not"
                                                                Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Oh my!! The Lear is really tiny. I never realised how small they are. Glad you arrived safely and Kyle handled the short stint in the air. hoping to hear lots of good reports in the coming weeks.

  2. I'm so glad you guys are finally there. The boys are really happy they got to see kyle...all Travis kept saying was "he is the youngest of us"...for some reason that is really impacting him....you are in our prayers always. Joan, if you get frustrated, lonely, or just plain at wits end..please feel free to call me anytime day or night...even if it's just to vent...sometimes you just need to get it out no matter if it is irrational, rational or somewhere in between . No one can ever judge what you are going through .love, Annemarie

  3. God bless you all! You are in my prayers daily...<3
