Am I more deserving than any other parent who worries about their children? Am I dwelling on it too much?
I just want to be the coffee in that story of the carrots, egg, and coffee beans. You know that story that floats around FB. The grandma puts them all in boiling water... the carrots get softened, the egg gets hardened, but the winner, the winner is the coffee beans!
" The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you."
And So The Saga Continues
Needless to say, I still lay in bed every morning, harrassed by those darn unwelcomed thoughts that just keep coming . And the anxiety just keeps mounting. I'd say from the photo above that there is no further explanation needed.
The story here is, as Kyle was turning into a parking lot, the sun was in his eyes and he ran right into a pole. His airbag went off, but he said he was ok.
His angel of a neighbor, Laura, responded immediately and helped him in his time of need. Wisked him off for a clean bill of health at the hospital, CT scan for reassurance. We count our blessings.
And we thank you, Laura.
Now his truck is a different story. It is totaled. Until Greg could get down there with his Grand Marquis for Kyle, we paid for a very expensive taxi ride back and forth to school. But Greg did get his car down there, and he did get Kyle's truck towed back home.
The story is still not over. To add insult to injury (no pun intended), Kyle's garbage disposal broke and flooded the kitchen floor (Greg to the rescue), then his dishwasher broke last week, and then the same week his refrigerator died!
Keeping in mind that Kyle has lost his sense of smell......
Laura: "Kyle, omg, what is that awful smell???
Kyle: "Well, I don't know. Does it smell?"
Laura: "Kyle.....Do you need to do your laundry?".......
Laura: "Kyle, is your refrigerator working?" Things aren't cold."
Kyle's refrigerator was down for quite a few days before he knew it. I was told it smelled like there was a dead body in there. *Sigh* ...a fridge full of food gone.
Just. Like. That.
So let's put the icing on the cake now. While driving down Georgetown Rd on Wednesday, the brakes went out on my Blazer. Yes, they really did. I wish that feeling on no one.
I am more than greatful that I was going slow, and I don't even want to think of what could have happened if I were on 29. I slowed down on the grassy shoulder and walked my way home in the rain.
"But, what's this?" you ask. |
I'll try and make this short so I can get back to Kyle, but the Insurance Dispatcher did not tell The Towing Co that the vehicle had no brakes. When the poor young man unloaded it off his truck, he went to back it up off the driveway. Whooooops! Yes, the glass is completely shattered. *sigh* And life goes on.
Before I put this story to rest, I want to say thanks to everyone that took the time to write support for Kyle. I was overwhelmed by so many of you. As I'm sure was Kyle. Thank you.
SkillsUSA Motorcycle Competition ~ April 2015
Although Kyle never went on to Nationals after his 1st place State win in 2014 because of , well, because of being near dead, he went on to prove to himself a year after his accident, just what he is made of.
I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say we were all worried for him. The road to recovery was not nearly over. He still didn't talk much, and his thought process was slow. And how was he going to work as a One Armed Bandit? The weakness in his left arm and hand was still considerable from his nerve damage. But, despite all these worries, Kyle made us all very proud that day.
I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say we were all worried for him. The road to recovery was not nearly over. He still didn't talk much, and his thought process was slow. And how was he going to work as a One Armed Bandit? The weakness in his left arm and hand was still considerable from his nerve damage. But, despite all these worries, Kyle made us all very proud that day.
A Photo Gallery of Kyle's return to competition....
Kyle's good friend, Michael, competed in the small engines category. |
Girl Power! |
Kyle placed 5th in this competition. A grand achievement, but what really mattered was that thanks to Mr. Freeman, Kyle was back in the saddle, now ready and determined to keep this dream alive.
You know what they say, Kyle?
When one door closes....